SNSD, contracts with SM expire..."Majority of members renewed"

Wednesday 16 August 2017

SNSD, contracts with SM expire..."Majority of members renewed"


1. [+10,669 -348] It's good to renew but SM lets do our work properly..

2. [+9167 -402] If they renew it'll be for SNSD not for SM. It's annoying how they treated them this promotions..

3. [+7470 -497] Heol I never thought of SNSD disbandingㅠㅠ although they'll chose whatever is best for them, I still want to see them promoting as a groupㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+5999 -511] Hoping they stay....

5. [+4892 -459] I like SNSD so much I hope they go on for a long time🖤

6. [+1042 -67] Did they promote for one week because their contracts are expiring...

7. [+965 -75] So because their contracts are expiring, SM didn't push them well? Is that it?? That's upsetting~

8. [+935 -70] If that was going to happen then SM should've pushed them well for their 10th anniversary. What's wrong with them when the renewals are coming up

9. [+650 -49] Honestly if it's SNSD they can all renew

10. [+455 -18] Sunny will 100% renew

11. [+360 -42] Wherever SNSD is, Sone will always be with them